
HSU student pointing to computer screen and talking to her classmate



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Human-computer interaction is an interdisciplinary field of study and research that focuses on the design, 评价, and improvement of interactive computer systems and technologies to facilitate effective and enjoyable interactions between humans and computers. While earning a human-computer interaction major at Hardin-Simmons, you’ll seek to understand how people interact with computers, 设备, 软件应用程序, and other digital interfaces to improve their usability, 可访问性, 整体用户体验.

Phones and computers are becoming more and more ingrained in our personal and professional lives. That’s why there’s an unprecedented demand for skilled engineers and designers who can bridge the digital divide between people and computers.

Earning a human-computer interaction degree from Hardin-Simmons University is one of the best ways to enter this exciting and quickly growing field. 与心理平衡相结合, 艺术, 计算机科学, you’ll be prepared for rewarding human-computer interaction jobs such as user interface (UI) engineer, 用户体验(UX)设计师, 或者网页设计师, 在许多其他可能的职业道路中.


Human-computer interaction combines computer science, 艺术, and cognitive science to study the design of computer technology and how humans interact with it. While it may sound like UX design on the surface, human-computer interaction specialists tend to be more academically focused, concentrating on scientific research and developing empirical understandings of humans (users).


  • 前端设计师
  • 产品经理
  • 用户体验设计师
  • 软件工程师
  • 可访问性工程师

Why Earn Your 人机交互程度 at Hardin-Simmons?

Why Earn Your 人机交互程度 at Hardin-Simmons?


Unwind every semester and spend time with other computing degree students during our human-computer interaction degree program p艺术ies. 在秋天雕刻南瓜,看MST3K. Spring’s p艺术y includes pizza and highly competitive rounds of 9-square. You’ll also get to attend p艺术ies in the 心理学 dep艺术ment, giving you even more chances to meet peers and make lasting connections.

Supportive and Experienced HCI Program 教师

Thanks to small class sizes, you’re more than just a name at HSU. Our upper-level courses often have about 10 students. This means that you can build stronger relationships with your peers and receive academic attention and support from our highly experienced faculty members with a wide range of computing degrees and credentials.


A CSCI degree can make you a great software engineer. A degree in 心理学 can make you a great communicator and listener. An 艺术 degree can make you a great designer. But a human-computer interaction degree can make you all these things and more. Organizations are increasingly looking for well-rounded employees who can feel as comfortable behind a desk as they do in a board meeting or talking with clients. Graduating with an HCI degree from Hardin-Simmons University will provide you with more career opportunities and help you excel in the job market.


具备计算机科学技能, 心理学, 和艺术, you’ll be well-positioned for a wide variety of careers in diverse and exciting industries. Our human-computer interaction degree builds a solid foundation of knowledge and skills that can help you excel in a master’s program as well. HCI program students often supplement their major studies with a 辅修网络安全 to improve their job prospects in the security field.

On top of the professional fulfillment you’ll get from working with computers and people, you’ll also benefit from the high demand for human-computer interaction jobs. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment for web developers and digital designers is predicted to grow by 13 percent in the next decade, much faster than the average for other occupational fields.

奖学金 and 奖 for HCI Degree Program Students

Hardin-Simmons University is committed to offering an affordable and high-quality educational experience for every HCI program student.







